Credential Settings
Access this page using HR Staff>Credential Settings. |
Use this page to create employee credential forms that each employee can use to add or edit their educational and other credentials. The information available in this form depends on how the credential settings were set up in HR Management. For information about setting up credentials in HR Management, see the HR Management User's Guide.
- You can only access this page if your user ID has access to the HR Staff menu.
- There must be at least one Credential Type defined in HR Management before you can add a credential to this page. Credential Types are defined by using in HR Management.
- You should be aware of how data is stored in HR Management before you use this form.
Cred Type: The Credential Type indicates the type of certification or credential represented by this record. For example, the credential might be a professional certification, an educational credential, or a degree. In the Edit form, select a value from the list. The values available are determined by the credential types set up in HR Management Field Setup form.
Column Title: Enter a descriptive title for the column you selected in the Column Name field. The title will be displayed in the form used by employees to add this credential.
Column Name: Click New to open a form and add employee credentials. Select a name from the list of all available database column names. The column you select will be used to contain this certification information in the HR Management. The column names include the following:
- sAuthType—This column contains the authorization types defined for credentials in HR Management. The Column Type for this column must be ComboBox. The field values are defined in the Authorization Type code table in HR Management. If you do not include this column in the form, the Authorization Type field in the Personal>Certifications table will be blank.
- sCredNumber—This column is used to contain a credential number or other ID. The Column Type for this column must be Text.
- ysnCred##—These columns indicate Yes/No conditions that can be associated with the credential. The Column Type for these columns must be CheckBox. The Column Title you enter is the label for the check box.
- sCred##—These columns indicate text values associated with the credential. For example, you might request the instructor’s name for a class or the name of the school attended. The Column Type for these columns must be Text, and data entry limit is 50 characters.
- dtmCred##—These columns indicate a date field. For example, you might request a graduation date. The Column Type for these columns must be Date.
- sNotes—This column is reserved for any notes to be added to the form. The Column Type for this column must be text, and the data entry limit is 500 characters. If you do not include this column in the form, the Notes field in the Personal>Certifications table will be blank.
Column Type: Select a Column Type from the list. The Column Type determines how the employee will enter data into the column. Column types include the following options.
Important! The type you choose must match the database field you selected in the Column Name field. Otherwise, the field data will not be validated and the employee will not be able to save the Add Certification form.
- Text—The Text type requires the employee to enter a text string in the field.
- Date—The Date type requires the employee to enter a date in the format mm/dd/yyyy, or to select a date from the calendar widget.
- ComboBox—The ComboBox type creates a drop-down list of values for the employee to select. The values in this list are defined in the code tables in HR Management. For example, you should select this type if you use the sAuthType column in your form.
- CheckBox—The CheckBox type creates a check box with the label specified in the Column Title field. For example, you might include a check box to indicate that the employee received a certificate for a course completed.
Mask Edit: If this field should be masked on export, enter a masking pattern for the field. The mask value can be any character or symbol, entered as many places as needed to mask the field. For example, if you wanted to mask an ID number, you could enter the value ##########, indicating that the # symbol would mask the field for 10 digits. Similarly, to mask a phone number, you could enter the value (999)000-0000, indicating that the phone number will be masked, but the format of the entry will be shown.
Row: Enter the row number (1 to 9) of the form where this field will appear.
Column: Enter the column number (1 to 3) of the form where this field will appear.
New: Click the New link in the left column of the table to add a credential type to the list. The Edit form is displayed.
Update: Click Update in the Edit form to update the credential list.
Cancel: Click Cancel in the Edit form to discard your changes and return to the credentials list.
Edit: Click Edit in a Column Name row to edit the column attributes.
Delete: Click Delete in a Column Name row to delete the column from the form.
- When you save the first field for a credential type, the system automatically adds the Credential Type, Effective Date, and Expiration Date fields to the form. These fields are added to Row 0, as Columns 1, 2, and 3. You cannot edit or add fields in Row 0.
- To add multiple fields to a form, click New and select the form by specifying its Credential Type. You can add up to nine rows of three columns to a form, or up to 27 fields.